
Our Services

Custom Nutrition Plans

There is often a direct correlation between our state of mind and our physical condition. Different factors like insufficient nutritional education; depression, sedentary lifestyles, anxiety and stress can all contribute to our general state of mind. We often turn to food and drink to make us feel better in a moment, without fully realizing the consequences, both chemical and psychological, that these choices have on us.

How many times have you felt miserable and convinced yourself that the only thing that would make you feel better is to consume a large container of ice cream. Of course, this makes you feel great in the moment. It tastes good, it takes your mind off your problem and the sugar content gives you a temporary high. But, after the initial feeling of mild euphoria or even simple contentment, when the sugar has been processed you are left with feelings of guilt, unease and even self-revulsion.

It’s very easy for us to rationalize our eating habits, especially our bad eating habits. That is why we need nutritional counseling. Some very annoying people have an incredible metabolism. They can process every piece of junk that they put into their body, but they are in an extreme minority.

The majority of us have to be careful what we eat, and everyone has different needs based upon various factors. A nutrition counselor can give us the information that we need to live a healthy life. What we put into our body has a huge impact on the way we think, act and live. Only with professional explanations and advice can we improve our intake and increase our quality of life dramatically

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Weight Loss

Over the past 50 years our society has become obsessed with weight loss. Weight containment is, of course, very important for a healthy lifestyle and a long life. The advent of fast food has contributed heavily to the problems with obesity, now so prevalent in society.

If you are serious about weight loss, the first thing that you should do is consult with me. Simply deciding, on your own, to follow this diet or that one, without a full understanding of how your body works and how it may react to dietary changes, can be potentially dangerous.

I will typically ask you a series of questions aimed at understanding your goals. Then I will work with you to devise a plan, customized for you. This should include exercise, diet and may also include other components, but should never include pharmaceutical products.

A properly supervised weight loss program, if followed rigorously, can result in the desired outcome. Patience is also very important, as these things take time. It can be dangerous to lose a lot of weight too quickly, and it often reappears after a period of time. It is much more advisable, with nutrition counselor, to lose weight steadily over a longer period of time, while maintaining your general health.

Build Muscles

If you're looking to add muscle mass to your frame, hitting the weights hard is a given. Quality time in the gym begins a cascade of changes that will stimulate your muscles to grow bigger in response to the challenges you throw their way. It's tempting to think that's all it takes to add muscle to your body. After all, you can actually feel your biceps growing after an intense set of curls.

Make no mistake: Eating for muscle is just as important as lifting for muscle. The foods you grab in the morning on the way to work, the meals you pack for lunch and mid-afternoon, what you put into your body immediately following your workout, and your final meal of the day impact your results as much as, if not more than, the number of reps you squeeze out at the end of a set. But in reality, it can be tough to stick to a "clean" diet when you're busy. We know that adding another layer of complexity to life in the form of reading food labels and studying ingredient lists just isn't an option for most of us. Not to mention actually preparing all those healthy meals.
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